Earth Day, which takes place on April 22 every year, is an annual event that celebrates the planet and serves as a reminder of the importance of taking care of it. During this day, you will likely see many posts about beautiful sunsets, vibrant green nature, and mesmerizing ocean waves. Still, it is equally important to share ways to contribute to the public awareness of pollution and the need to protect Earth’s resources for future generations. The beach is one of the best places to be, and although we may be grateful every day we are by the water, here are some ways to come together as a community and make efforts to protect Folly Beach, a place that is home to some but loved by all. 

One easy way to get involved is by cleaning up litter, which is why the Folly Beach Association of Business (FAB) Litter Committee has organized Toby’s 3rd Annual Spring Litter Sweep on Sunday, April 7. This event includes nine different stations, allowing volunteers to collect and keep track of trash around the beach. The litter sweep is not only rewarding, but they also make it fun- afterward, there is a party at Low Life Bar, including a variety of drink and food specials, and volunteers are given discounts at participating businesses across the island. 


The Greenest Day is an event on April 17 from 11-2pm that focuses on contributing to healthier lives and a healthier planet. It features a variety of crafts, food trucks, music, and more and typically includes over 40 exhibitors and thousands of guests. This event is just one out of many during Lowcountry Earth Week, which takes place from April 22-28th and provides diverse workshops, festivals, volunteering opportunities, and other activities that work towards getting the community more involved and raising awareness about the importance of environmental sustainability and conservation.


The South Carolina Aquarium is also hosting Party for the Planet, the largest combined Early Day celebration in the nation, on April 24 from 10-3pm. This event will have various Earth Day-related activities, including making crafts from recycled material and turning old t-shirts into reusable bags, a cell phone drive that allows you to recycle your old cell phone and win prizes, and more. The aquarium also provides its guests with “Edventures,” which allows exotic pet experts to share educational information about these animals and the effects the current state of our planet would have on them if released into the wild. There will be cake, refreshments, dive shows, and lots of fun things to do and see! On April 25, starting at 6pm, you can join us for a Beach Sweep at 6th Street West, Folly. 

There are so many opportunities to celebrate Earth Day all over the Folly Beach and Charleston area, and it is important to remember the ways you can help keep our beaches beautiful. Book your stay at Water’s Edge Inn to take full advantage of the oceanic scenery and be within walking distance of all Folly Beach has to offer.